Tuesday, February 21, 2012

DIY : liquid soap

Here's a little 'do it yourself' project that I set out to accomplish a while back. I made a gallon of liquid soap for only $6. It was a lot of fun making it, mostly because I knew I was saving money! :) ( Oh, and thanks to pinterest for the idea.)

What you will need:
1. A bar of soap (1-8 oz)
2. grater
3. 2 tbsp. glycerin (I used vegetable glycerin)
4. cool empty bottle
5. 1 gallon of water

 1. Grate the whole bar of soap.
 2. Fill a pot with 1 gallon of water.
3. Add the soap shavings.

 4. Add the glycerin. 

  5. Turn the heat to medium/high and stir till all the soap dissolves.                       

6. When the soap dissolves, it should look just like soapy water.

7. Let it cool for 10-12 hours. It will harden and resemble liquid soap. 

(I had to beat it with a mixer to make the consistency more even.)

8. Fill your empty bottle with your soap and enjoy! 


This is efficient and a great way to save money. I bought this particular bar of soap -(Mrs. Meyers in the scent of Basil)- for around $6.00 at New Seasons. (It smells soooo good). If you buy the liquid kind in the same brand, it's about $3.99. When you make it yourself, there's heaps of savings and you get a whooole lot more for your money! That my friend, is a deal!

Happy creating!
xo, rachelle

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